2nd Report from Lima!
I wish all of you could have heard Pastor Ronnie Swadley’s message at the Victory Fellowship of Ministries Conference yesterday. Ronnie shared three keys to reaching your goal were:
1. Rejoice (Ephesians 4)
2. Trust (Proverbs 3:5,6)
3. Rest (Matthew 11:28)
I had not heard Ronnie preach before. He did a stellar job…he really knows how to communicate from the pulpit. The hardest part of listening to his message was realizing that I had to follow him! I wish I had taken more notes.
My message at the conference yesterday was from 2 Samuel 6, “Taking the Ark to Jerusalem”. Key point #1 was David’s Plan A failed, resulting in the death of Uzzah and abandonment of the project. Plan B, which was according to God’s instructions for moving the Ark, required sacrifice:
1. The Levites (priests) sacrificed, carrying the burden of the ark on their shoulders. We must carry the burden of the goal on our shoulders.
2. David sacrificed financially. Six steps, sacrifice a bull and fatted calf, six steps, sacrifice a bull and a fatted calf, six steps…all the way to Jerusalem. Reaching your goal will likely cost you financially. It’s not an expense; it’s an investment.
3. David sacrificed his dignity. He danced before the Lord with all his might. Reaching your goal means overcoming your pride and exposing yourself to criticism.
4. David sacrificed relationship. Because Michel criticized David for his behavior as they brought the Ark to Jerusalem, David withdrew from her. Sometimes those you love won’t understand your passion for the goal. When that happens you may have to make a choice between the relationship and the goal. David’s real goal was not moving the Ark; it was experiencing the presence of God.
God has no Plan B. Rather than ask God to bless our plan, we should ask God to give us His plan, then follow it.
I ministered last night at the Evangelical Church of Christ in San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima’s largest district. The church is now the flagship church of the Evangelical Church of Christ, Pastor Eli having become the President of the denomination. I will share more about his role as President in another blog, focusing now on last night’s service.
My text was Ephesians 3:14-20, Paul’s prayer for the church of Ephesus, and how we can model that prayer. Paul prayed that the church at Ephesus would:
1. Have inner strength
2. Have the power of the Holy Spirit
3. Faith
4. Love
5. Fullness
6. Blessings beyond their imaginations
That is my prayer for the Evangelical Church of Christ of Peru, which is going through some major struggles. (I’ll post in another blog.) Pastor Eli said the word brought him encouragement, and that he knew he could fight the battle.
Today I’m at the VFM Conference, then At Emmanuel Bible Church in Zarate for a leadership meeting. As always, I thank you for your prayers and support. I’ll continue to bring updates as time permits. God bless.
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