Thirdj Report from Lima Feb 28
It’s been several days since I sent a report, though I have been sending brief updates on FaceBook and Twitter. I’ve been busy either ministering or preparing to minister, and time got away from me.
Friday afternoon I preached on the children of Israel needing to not look like world before they took the Promised Land. That meant circumcision. Today we experience a circumcision of the heart so we don’t look like the world spiritually. And that circumcision, though painful, is necessary. Response was amazing as the altar was flooded with people wanting to go under the Master Surgeon’s knife and allow Him to cut away that which was not pleasing to him.
Friday night I ministered from Ephesians 5 to the leaders of Emmanuel Bible Church-Zarate. They were in the midst of their VBS, and the leaders had been there since the morning. Just as Paul prayed for the Ephesians church, I prayed that the Zarate church would have wisdom, understanding, the fullness of the Spirit, joy and thanksgiving in their hearts, and an attitude of submission to one another. A season of prayer concluded the service, with many coming forward for prayer for refreshing. I prayed with about 15 to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Then, it was exciting to see as I watched them all minister to one another.
Marsha and I have a spiritual granddaughter, Laura, in Emmanuel who has been diagnosed with juvenile arthritis (their description) in her elbows and shoulders. I prayed for Laura and she testified she had some relief from the pain. I saw her again last night and she had more freedom of motion but still some pain. Please unite your faith with mine for a complete recovery.
Saturday morning I spoke at the National Prayer Movement monthly gathering hosted by TV/Radio Pacifico, Peru’s leading Christian broadcast outlet. They had planned to televise the meeting nationally and on the Internet, but it didn’t happen, though it was broadcast on the radio and streamed on the Internet. When I preach on prayer, it’s usually about using the Lord’s Prayer as a prayer outline, and Saturday was no exception. The message was well received
Saturday night I preached in a small church on one of the mountains surrounding Lima, sharing on four functions of the Holy Spirit: 1) Conviction 2) Instruction; 3) Direction; and 4)Magnification (glorifying Jesus). Text was John 16:5-15. Our daughter, Maria, was given erroneous directions to the church, so they called a young man with some translation experience who lived in the area. He came and did a fine job. At the altar call we had two or three salvations, and most of the congregation of about 40 came forward to be filled with the Hoy Spirit, including the pastor’s 12-year old daughter. Dad and mom were thrilled!
Sunday morning I was at Pastor Julio Romero’s church, and preached on the Grace of Giving, from 2 Corinthians 9. Emma translated for me (she translated at the VFM Conference) and her husband, David, and two daughters, 18 and 16, were with her. Afterwards we all went out to lunch and I had the chance to get better acquainted with the family. David is a missionary from the US whose ministry is to serve as a pastor to pastors, crossing denominational and doctrinal lines to do so. I’m looking forward to networking with him in the future.
Saturday late afternoon Emma and I ministered at Pastors David and Soledad Liñan’s church in downtown Lima. I preached about false repentance (Saul in 1 Samuel 15) and true repentance (David in 2 Samuel 11, 12). There were about 40 in attendance, and 4 responded for salvation. Praise God.
Then Sunday night I preached to a packed house at Emmanuel Zarate. The sanctuary seats around 150, and it was Standing Room Only. Maria was with me this time as I preached on water baptism. It was Maria’s finest translation she’s done. I’m very proud of our daughter!! About a dozen came forward to receive Christ at the close of the service, and a very large number requested water baptism.
I’m very proud of our first Peruvian son and daughter, Jose and Raquel. Everything they do for God they do with excellence, and it is reflected in their leaders, their building and their ministry.
Today I’m hanging out with our Peruvian kids Jose and Marlene Navarro and their children, then with our other kids, Antonio and Debora Meca and their children, and Maria. Tomorrow morning I’ll attend a pastors’ fraternity meeting. Then tomorrow evening I preach in Pastora Esther Pongo’s church. Wednesday it’s the day with Jose and Raquel, then to Evangelical Church of Christ in San Martin, with my good friend Juan de Dios Huaman, then to airport and home.
Thanks for your prayers and support. God is at work!
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